People have the extraordinary ability to change, the brain's “plasticity,” means we can continue learning complex new things throughout our lives — this does not mean that learning and change are easy. Review the five common misconceptions below and be kind to yourself as you navigate change in your life.

About EMPOWER Possible

Hi! I am Julie Zaruba Fountaine, as the Founder of EMPOWER Possible I am happy you are here!
I am a well-being specialist, consultant, and coach with over a decade of experience in health promotion, well-being, and organization development. As a life longer learner I incorporate the knowledge I gained from earning my MBA in Change and Leadership and Master's of Science in Health, Nutrition and Exercise Science degrees in order to develop a program that works for you and/or your organization! I work with you to build skills that empower so you aren't just surviving but thriving.
Are you ready to empower yourself?
Sign up today, download a worksheet, join EMPOWER for a retreat, pick your course, start a coaching session, and let the journey begin!